Fish Oil: The Essential Body Supplement

Fish oil supplements are a great substitute for those who do not get enough fish intake in their diet. Fish oil has been touted as a wonder supplement, and for good reason. Studies have shown that it has a range of benefits for people of all ages. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which is known to combat common ailments.
The omega-3 found in fish oil is good for the heart and can stimulate the body's regulation of good cholesterol. In some cases, this wonder supplement has also been shown to reduce blood pressure in some subjects.

Fish oil is also good for the joints and can prevent the onset of arthritis. Those who supplemented with fish oil also reported feeling less stiff.
Fish Oil: The Essential Body Supplement

The benefits don’t end there. Omega-3 is also believed to play a factor in eye health and preserving eyesight. Omega-3 also extends the longevity of body cells. This helps ensures that cells reproduce normally, especially among older folks.

Recently, pregnant women have been discouraged from consuming too much fish. This is due to the high level of mercury found in some species. While this issue is likely overblown, expecting mothers who are still concerned about mercury poisoning can supplement with fish oil. The omega-3 is healthy for the unborn child, and can reduce the risk of abnormal development.

Fish oil supplements are available at your local drug store and are quite affordable. The benefits are numerous, so you have everything to gain by adding it to your supplementation.